blauart: "Have you seen Solomon's Mother?" oil on canvas and wood
blauart: "Have You Seen Solomon's Mother?" Installation detail, oil on wood, Ukrainian, Yiddish, Polish text
blauart: A detail - "Letters to the Dead"
blauart: "Beyt House: Letters to the Dead"
blauart: "Sacred/Taboo" oil on linen, receptacles and water, Falerna, Calabria
blauart: "Braille Letters A-G", plaster forms and pigment, detail
blauart: "Braille Letters A-Z" plaster forms and pigment, Spoleto, Italy
blauart: "Energy Points" cement and matchsticks, Spoleto, Italy
blauart: "A House of Beyt: Letters to the Dead" - paint and plaster forms
blauart: "Cocoons Memorial" coffee and forms, Long Beach Museum of Art
blauart: "Offering" - graphite wall drawing, horse stall,The Racetrack of Rome
blauart: "Offering" - graphite wall drawing, horse stall at The Racetrack of Rome
blauart: "Sacred/Taboo" - oil on linen, deconsecrated Church, Spoleto
blauart: Sacred/Taboo Painting Installation, Spoleto, Italy
blauart: The Beyt House: Installation for "Letters to the Dead"
blauart: "Letters to the Dead" Installation detail
blauart: "Energy Points" Installation, Spoleto, Italy
blauart: The Alphabet A-Z in Braille, installation
blauart: Shoes
blauart: Wall Drawing Installation #2, Rome, banana
blauart: Letters to the Dead three walls
blauart: "Offering" Wall Drawing Installation, Rome, Hand pear
blauart: "Letters to the Dead"