blakewhitman: hellbrook descent
blakewhitman: benj taking a gnarly cliff
blakewhitman: safety breaking before hellbrook
blakewhitman: evan and snow = good
blakewhitman: sweet powder turns by evan osler
blakewhitman: summit mansfield
blakewhitman: hiking the headwall at mansfield
blakewhitman: headwall shots
blakewhitman: hiking through the thick of it
blakewhitman: beautiful mountain terrain
blakewhitman: headwall action
blakewhitman: hiking to find the fluff
blakewhitman: sunny day for a hike
blakewhitman: beginning the journey to the summit
blakewhitman: single chair ale after a day on the single chair
blakewhitman: mad river pub
blakewhitman: O degree day at mad river
blakewhitman: heavenly skies
blakewhitman: skiing up the mountain
blakewhitman: beautiful skies
blakewhitman: blake freezing his ass off
blakewhitman: the single chair experience
blakewhitman: the fluff to the 20th hole
blakewhitman: more fluff to the 20th hole
blakewhitman: evan osler rocking it
blakewhitman: pow pow evan styles
blakewhitman: woooooo!
blakewhitman: finding the gnar gnar
blakewhitman: sweet turns in the woods
blakewhitman: exiting the single