BlakeLewisPhotography: Myrtle Beach Pier
BlakeLewisPhotography: Myrtle Beach Pier
BlakeLewisPhotography: Shreveport, LA
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ft. Sumter National Monument
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ft. Sumter National Monument
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ft. Sumter National Monument
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ft. Sumter National Monument
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ft. Sumter National Monument
BlakeLewisPhotography: Vanishing Point
BlakeLewisPhotography: Water River Bridge
BlakeLewisPhotography: USC School of Medicines Quarters
BlakeLewisPhotography: Once a Business
BlakeLewisPhotography: Myrtle Beach Light House
BlakeLewisPhotography: Sheldon Church Ruins
BlakeLewisPhotography: Sheldon Church Ruins
BlakeLewisPhotography: The Hoover Dam!
BlakeLewisPhotography: Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
BlakeLewisPhotography: Hoover Dam with Mike O'Callaghan–Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge
BlakeLewisPhotography: Hoover Dam Intake Towers
BlakeLewisPhotography: Morris Island Light
BlakeLewisPhotography: Ondalsanseang Fortress
BlakeLewisPhotography: Korean War Memorial
BlakeLewisPhotography: Drayton Hall Plantation
BlakeLewisPhotography: Drayton Hall Home
BlakeLewisPhotography: Georgia Guide Stones
BlakeLewisPhotography: Santee Wildlife Refuge Path
BlakeLewisPhotography: Cades Cove Mill
BlakeLewisPhotography: Smokey Mountain Tunnel
BlakeLewisPhotography: Morris Island Light(house)