BD Male Blog: Let's refresh.
BD Male Blog: Sometimes terrible.
BD Male Blog: A wonderful day at the beach, lets catch a wave.
BD Male Blog: Everything ok there?
BD Male Blog: Hey, cool?
BD Male Blog: A good time to relieve stress.
BD Male Blog: I'll do a photo capture.
BD Male Blog: In action, ready?
BD Male Blog: A single shot.
BD Male Blog: Today I am prepared.
BD Male Blog: I train indoors.
BD Male Blog: Hey, what's up? Let's take a picture?
BD Male Blog: Let's take a picture of this beautiful view.
BD Male Blog: Let's enjoy the afternoon.
BD Male Blog: Have faith.
BD Male Blog: Enter Sandman.
BD Male Blog: Today was a crazy day.
BD Male Blog: A day of shopping.
BD Male Blog: Let's take a look at social networks.
BD Male Blog: Seven Nation Army♪♫