MissBlur: 1.1.13 [Day #1] Today is the start of the rest of our lives.
MissBlur: 1/2/13 [Day 2] Rainy days are perfect for cuddling and a movie in a warm bed.
MissBlur: 1/3/13 [Day 3] I dream of living in the city way too often. I love being here and I love my city. #Houston #HTX
MissBlur: 1/4/13 [Day 4] Only you are in control of your outlook on life. See the light, not a dead end.
MissBlur: 1/5/13 [Day 5] Cold nights make me want hot coffee and a warm fire.
MissBlur: 1/6/13 [Day 6] All I need is my bag of goodies and I am ready to take on the world.
MissBlur: 1/7/13 [Day 7] How can you I not love this face. They are keeping me company while I am sick.
MissBlur: 1/8/13 [Day 8] Since the flu seems to have paid me a visit. This is the best I can do for photo of the day.
MissBlur: 1/9/13 [Day 9] It's nice to have a friend when you are sick.
MissBlur: 1/10/13 [Day 10] Wish I could say I was glowing today.
MissBlur: 1/11/13 [Day 11] First night back at work and I am impatiently waiting on the hours to pass.
MissBlur: 1/12/13 [Day 12] Today is the last day I will call this place home. Tomorrow we open a new door together.
MissBlur: 1/13/13 [Day 13] Slow down and take time to notice the unseen beauty.
MissBlur: Untitled
MissBlur: 1/15/13 [Day 15] At some point, we all lose our way.
MissBlur: 1/16/13 [Day 16] There is way too much temptation in my life right now. I didn't give in by the way.
MissBlur: 1/17:13 [Day 17] Some days you feel like you could take on the world. #feelsgoodman
MissBlur: 1/18/13 [Day 18] I think we are beginning to become friends. But he still looks like an Ewok.
MissBlur: 1/19/13 [Day 19] Uninteresting photo but this is the view from the front of my new home. Excuse the lack of landscaping
MissBlur: 1/20/13 [Day 20] The task of studio make over seemed to go on and on today.
MissBlur: 1/21/13 [Day 21] I often feel like this is the only thing I can be proud of. Being without it was killer.
MissBlur: 1/21/13 [Day 21] I often feel like this is the only thing I can be proud of. Being without it was killer.
MissBlur: 1/22/13 [Day 22] Oh, the hidden treasures you find when moving.
MissBlur: 1/23/13 [Day 23] It's been really hard to try to eat right during our move. But tonight I feel focused again.
MissBlur: 1/24/13 [Day 24] They do a good job at acting sweet and innocent. Don't let them fool you.
MissBlur: 1/25/13 [Day 25] No complaints about a calendar this full. I am grateful.
MissBlur: 1/26/13 [Day 26] I am ready to make this house a home.
MissBlur: 1/27/13 [Day 27] It wasn't a one photo day. It was a 101 photos actually. This was one of the favorites.
MissBlur: 1/28/13 [Day 28] Every time I look at my thick thighs lately this is what I see. Either that or golf balls :(
MissBlur: 1/29/13 [Day 28] Evidently I take pictures of baby dolls. Just Kidding but baby Peyton is such a doll.