Blair Photography:
A Flock of 'em Flew Over That Time
Blair Photography:
A Time for Reflection
Blair Photography:
Great Egret hunting at Green CaY
Blair Photography:
Mottled Ducks
Blair Photography:
Mirror Mirror Down Below, Who's The Fairest one of All
Blair Photography:
Duck Incognito
Blair Photography:
The Watchful Eye
Blair Photography:
Red Shouldered Hawk surveys his domain at Green Cay Wetlands
Blair Photography:
Follow the Leader
Blair Photography:
Go Fish Someplace Else
Blair Photography:
Final Approach
Blair Photography:
Blue Winged Teal Landing at Green Cay Wetlands
Blair Photography:
Sora - Porzana Carolina
Blair Photography:
Green-winged teal (Anas crecca)
Blair Photography:
Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
Blair Photography:
Female Red-Winged Blackbird