blackwatch55013: Class 24, 97201 'Experiment' Derby RTC
blackwatch55013: Class 24, 97201 'Experiment' Derby RTC
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5054 at Crewe Works open day 1987
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5032 (24032) on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5032 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5061 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5061 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5061 and 7F, 53809 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5061 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 24, D5061 at Grosmont on the NYMR
blackwatch55013: Class 25, D7671 (25321) at the Midland Railway Centre
blackwatch55013: Class 25, D7671 (25321) at the Midland Railway Centre
blackwatch55013: 25057 at Hinckley
blackwatch55013: 25080, a rare visitor to Tinsley TMD
blackwatch55013: 25072 at Toton TMD
blackwatch55013: 25195 at Severn Tunnel Junction
blackwatch55013: 25265 at Buxton
blackwatch55013: 25265 at Buxton
blackwatch55013: 25265 at Buxton on the Peak Rail
blackwatch55013: 25303 at Crewe
blackwatch55013: 25276 at Crewe
blackwatch55013: 25276 at Crewe
blackwatch55013: 25908 at Toton TMD
blackwatch55013: 97251 'ETHEL 2' at Fort William
blackwatch55013: 97251 'ETHEL 2' at Fort William
blackwatch55013: 97252 'ETHEL 3' at Sheffield
blackwatch55013: Class 25, D7633 on the Severn Valley Railway
blackwatch55013: Class 25, D7633 on the Severn Valley Railway
blackwatch55013: Class 25, D7633 on the Severn Valley Railway
blackwatch55013: 25191 'The Diana' on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway