Black Nerd: Rock'n at Rock'n Comic-Con
Black Nerd: Stan Lee is the MAN!!!
Black Nerd: I Repeat... STAN. LEE. IS. THE. MAN!!!
Black Nerd: Black Nerd and The Gibbs Sisters (ThoseGibbsGirls on YouTube)
Black Nerd: Black Nerd vs. Doc Ock (Doc Ock's Winning)
Black Nerd: Hot Cosplayers at Rock'n Comic-Con
Black Nerd: Vamplets
Black Nerd: Black Nerd at the Vamplets Booth
Black Nerd: Little Baby Vampires
Black Nerd: SO Tempted to Buy This Original Smurfs Animation Cel
Black Nerd: Black Mannequin III - On the Movin' On Up
Black Nerd: Retro Power Rangers Toys
Black Nerd: She May Be a Jedi, But I Think She's Smurfette
Black Nerd: Rob Welkner Rocks the Guitar Hero