Black Nerd: Anime Expo 2009
Black Nerd: Human Piranha Plants
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Robert Welkner (Coin-Op TV)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd with JinxChan and MandiFord
Black Nerd: Hello Kitties
Black Nerd: My Pink Castle Attacked by Cat Ladies
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and the Nurse Joys
Black Nerd: Steve Cardenas and Karan Ashley (Power Rangers)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Karan Ashley (Aisha the Yellow Power Ranger)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Steve Cardenas (Rocky the Red Power Ranger)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd with Barbara Goodson & Robert Axelrod (Voices of Rita Repulsa & Lord Zedd)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and White (and, uh, Pink) Power Ranger
Black Nerd: BlackNerd Gets a Great Tiger Punch-Out!!
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Red Ranger
Black Nerd: BlackNerd with JesV and Sister JenV
Black Nerd: JesV's Chain Chomp in a Ghetto Plastic Bag
Black Nerd: Go, Green Ranger, Go!
Black Nerd: Rob Welkner and Green Power Ranger
Black Nerd: Rob Welkner and Pedro Flores (PDFlo)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Sporticus
Black Nerd: BlackNerd Loves the Ladies with Purple Hair
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and BlackCat... I'm Scared of What It's Doing
Black Nerd: Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Princess Peach (RinaChan)
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Judy Nails of Guitar Hero
Black Nerd: Anime Expo Arcade
Black Nerd: M. Bison Mans the Street Fighter Games
Black Nerd: That's How You Play Street Fighter IV
Black Nerd: BlackNerd and Chun-Man
Black Nerd: BlackNerd Kingdom Hearts