Black.Doll: Kitchen Chimney
Black.Doll: Domestic Slave Quarters Marker
Black.Doll: Remains of a slave cabin
Black.Doll: Federal forces are said to have used the Braddock Point mansion as quarters as late as 1864
Black.Doll: In 1840, the Baynard Family receives possession of the plantation
Black.Doll: Tabby close-up
Black.Doll: Entrance to the Plantation House Marker
Black.Doll: Tabby ruins
Black.Doll: Stoney-Baynard Ruins, circa 1793
Black.Doll: The Plantation House Marker
Black.Doll: Stoney-Baynard Ruins Marker
Black.Doll: Prince William's Parish Church (Sheldon Church) Marker
Black.Doll: Gate to the Sheldon Church Ruins
Black.Doll: Collis Sam
Black.Doll: Mary Bull wife of John Bull
Black.Doll: The Bull Family
Black.Doll: Scared to the memory of Ephraim Mikell Mackay
Black.Doll: Prince William Parish Church Ruins, aka Old Sheldon Church Ruins
Black.Doll: SheldonChurch15
Black.Doll: "The first conscious attempt in America to imitate a Greek temple"
Black.Doll: Brick detail
Black.Doll: William Bull's grave
Black.Doll: William Bull, 1683-1755