Black.Doll: No Trespassing signs courtesy of some hunting group
Black.Doll: The path
Black.Doll: Gorgeous
Black.Doll: Haint blue of course
Black.Doll: Rear side porch looking towards the front of the house
Black.Doll: One of the rear rooms, off the back porch
Black.Doll: Rear room
Black.Doll: Center Hall
Black.Doll: Front Room 2
Black.Doll: Just wonder...where are the mantles now?
Black.Doll: Front room fireplace
Black.Doll: Front Room
Black.Doll: Windows to the porch
Black.Doll: In the back of the house
Black.Doll: Back room in main part of house
Black.Doll: Rear side porch looking towards the back of the house
Black.Doll: The Old McLendon House, 1870
Black.Doll: Seale, Alabama
Black.Doll: City Drug Store
Black.Doll: Great old buildings.