Black.Doll: The Wakulla River
Black.Doll: Wakulla River
Black.Doll: Tour boat
Black.Doll: Clear water
Black.Doll: Cypress Trees
Black.Doll: Gator 4
Black.Doll: Gator 3
Black.Doll: Manatee mom and calf
Black.Doll: Gator 2
Black.Doll: Area where scenes from "Creature from the Black Lagoon" was filmed in 1953
Black.Doll: Gator 1
Black.Doll: Unknown Butterfly
Black.Doll: Welcome to Wakulla Springs!
Black.Doll: Eatery inside lodge
Black.Doll: Wakulla Springs Lodge, 1937
Black.Doll: Sitting area inside 1937 lodge
Black.Doll: Wakulla Springs Old Railroad Dock