Black.Doll: Oliver's Camp House and the Taylor-Dunn House
Black.Doll: The Taylor-Dunn House
Black.Doll: Carlysle House
Black.Doll: Nobles House with Taylor-Dunn House
Black.Doll: 1940s Nobles House
Black.Doll: Gibson Tenement house, Oliver's Camp House, and the Taylor-Dunn House
Black.Doll: Gibson Tenement Houses
Black.Doll: Lovely houses in the fog
Black.Doll: The Pritchard House
Black.Doll: Front Entry
Black.Doll: Getting restored and stabilized
Black.Doll: Undergoing stabilization and restoration
Black.Doll: Side View
Black.Doll: Lovely window
Black.Doll: New or old bricks?
Black.Doll: Rear view
Black.Doll: Rear of House
Black.Doll: Downtown Titusville
Black.Doll: Restored Ghost Sign
Black.Doll: Downtown Titusville
Black.Doll: Neon sign
Black.Doll: Hardware store (1890) and Spanish-style 1910 building
Black.Doll: 307-311 Washington Ave
Black.Doll: Find the Flickrer!!
Black.Doll: Downtown Titusville
Black.Doll: Spell Building
Black.Doll: Old sign with bullet holes
Black.Doll: courtyard
Black.Doll: Site of Titus House
Black.Doll: Tiled Entryway