blackbirdcreative: Knitting on bed
blackbirdcreative: Sniff Dawg vocals
blackbirdcreative: Lani editing
blackbirdcreative: Jared eats lunch after a long day and night
blackbirdcreative: Lani, no sleep for 24 hours
blackbirdcreative: Jared's pupils are dilated
blackbirdcreative: Sniff Dawg's blues
blackbirdcreative: The elaborate puppet ladder scene
blackbirdcreative: the plan is a rap
blackbirdcreative: jack and kerry have similar hair
blackbirdcreative: rosey jack kerry laura
blackbirdcreative: claire has big fat chin
blackbirdcreative: the day of inside out clothes
blackbirdcreative: in the cell
blackbirdcreative: in the mirror
blackbirdcreative: ginge pancake
blackbirdcreative: pancake man
blackbirdcreative: director looks happy
blackbirdcreative: bel and blue man
blackbirdcreative: filming pancake a lot
blackbirdcreative: matt and everyone
blackbirdcreative: paradise portal
blackbirdcreative: hand through a wall
blackbirdcreative: elaborate set construction
blackbirdcreative: through the looking glass
blackbirdcreative: rosey operates the pancake
blackbirdcreative: pancake gets out of jail
blackbirdcreative: kiwi ingenuity