a thousand black dreams: where darkness soothes a harassed and lonely heart
a thousand black dreams: hold me gently
a thousand black dreams: a shadow of time
a thousand black dreams: a trace left behind
a thousand black dreams: escape with me
a thousand black dreams: where hearts learn to fly
a thousand black dreams: intoned utterances
a thousand black dreams: they told stories in hushed tones
a thousand black dreams: wings of seraphs shed divine perfumes
a thousand black dreams: within a sacred space
a thousand black dreams: within the fold
a thousand black dreams: lumières de théâtre
a thousand black dreams: we drown in emotions lent with mercuric alchemy
a thousand black dreams: beneath a moon of silver luminance
a thousand black dreams: the stain of a shadow
a thousand black dreams: beyond | the silent haze
a thousand black dreams: white's soft echo