black_betty2: Chatting about lemurs at the Zoo
black_betty2: Riley finds a tortoise at the Zoo
black_betty2: Dorothy Harvie Gardens at the Zoo
black_betty2: Dorothy Harvie Gardens at the Zoo
black_betty2: Conservatory foyer at the Zoo
black_betty2: Atlas moth. This thing is huge.
black_betty2: Massive lily pads in the butterfly house
black_betty2: Massive lily pads in the butterfly house
black_betty2: Caterpillar in the butterfly house
black_betty2: Hibiscus
black_betty2: Checking out the flamingoes
black_betty2: Lovely tree at the Zoo...the species of which escapes me.
black_betty2: Orienteering in Nose Hill Park
black_betty2: South Glenmore Spray Park
black_betty2: Smoky Sunset Over the Glenmore Reservoir
black_betty2: Smoky Sunset Over the Glenmore Reservoir
black_betty2: Smoky Sunset Over the Glenmore Reservoir