bkroadphoto: Dinner - catch it
bkroadphoto: Dinner - eat it
bkroadphoto: early morning at Metzger Marsh
bkroadphoto: late evening near the beach
bkroadphoto: on the boardwalk
bkroadphoto: barn swallow in the swamp
bkroadphoto: bba0817
bkroadphoto: bbb2633
bkroadphoto: bak0458
bkroadphoto: bak0735
bkroadphoto: bak0739
bkroadphoto: bak0654
bkroadphoto: bak0729
bkroadphoto: near Medora, In
bkroadphoto: heading home
bkroadphoto: near Medora, Ind
bkroadphoto: east of Medora
bkroadphoto: Pair of sandhill cranes
bkroadphoto: a short rest before going out again
bkroadphoto: a little chat
bkroadphoto: lunch has arrived
bkroadphoto: where is he?
bkroadphoto: watching the watchers
bkroadphoto: in her nest
bkroadphoto: yellow warbler
bkroadphoto: Canada warbler
bkroadphoto: chesnut sided warbler
bkroadphoto: yellow-rumped warbler
bkroadphoto: northern parula