bkraai2003: French Chin
bkraai2003: French Tongue from below
bkraai2003: Sun and frost
bkraai2003: Arrows mark the trail jct
bkraai2003: Ridge to West Peak
bkraai2003: We had stopped at the top of this gully
bkraai2003: What was left when we stopped in July
bkraai2003: Summit
bkraai2003: Summit and photographer
bkraai2003: West Peak
bkraai2003: Hunters below
bkraai2003: French Tongue
bkraai2003: French Chin
bkraai2003: IMG_0549
bkraai2003: IMG_0550
bkraai2003: Valley below to the north
bkraai2003: Red Mt off Salmon La Sac
bkraai2003: Mt Daniel
bkraai2003: Stuart with no snow
bkraai2003: Summit poser
bkraai2003: East ridge to West PEak
bkraai2003: Kacheed Ridge and French Tongue
bkraai2003: West Peak
bkraai2003: Leaves in creek
bkraai2003: West Peak and west ridge
bkraai2003: West Peak
bkraai2003: French Tongue