Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Wee Tiny Socks
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Look what I won from Vicki Howell!
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: CLF Coffee Cozie, front
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: CLF Coffee Cozie, back
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: RAK from purlypig.
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Tour de Fleece Avatar
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: knitcellaneous goodies
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Loopy Ewe Stitch Marker
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Lace Rib Raglan I purchased from the Loopy Ewe
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Loopy Ewe purchases
Bev Is Yarn Crazy: Ray and I on 08/21/2010