VH Anon: Antigua clock tower
VH Anon: antigua street
VH Anon: Antigua with Volcan de Agua in the background
VH Anon: another view of the clock tower in Antigua
VH Anon: La Merced, Antigua
VH Anon: A mermangel?
VH Anon: Fountain in courtyard of La Merced, Antigua
VH Anon: little market by an old church, Antigua
VH Anon: my little house for three nights
VH Anon: my guatemalan pet
VH Anon: view from the window of my house of Lago Attitlan
VH Anon: lago atitlan in the clouds
VH Anon: Lago Atitlan at the crack of dawn
VH Anon: nifty clouds and a boat this time on lago atitlan
VH Anon: another view from my little house of lago atitlan
VH Anon: view as i ate brekkie in San Pedro
VH Anon: jesus is the man!
VH Anon: tuk-tuks in guatemala!
VH Anon: view from Pacaya of volcanoes Agua, Fuego and Acatenango
VH Anon: Pacaya Volcano
VH Anon: volcano in the background; dork in the foreground
VH Anon: hardened lava on the hike up Volcan Pacaya
VH Anon: lava by day
VH Anon: a little pool of liquid fire
VH Anon: crunchy on the outside, molteny on the inside
VH Anon: can you ever have too many lava photos?
VH Anon: rivulet of lava
VH Anon: more molteny goodness
VH Anon: this would be a great place to cook a pizza
VH Anon: lava cave!