Böggi: Looking back II
Böggi: A bit of greenery...
Böggi: It was no bloody summer at the summit...
Böggi: The bones of the earth
Böggi: The bones of the earth...
Böggi: And in the distance.. new peaks, new goals
Böggi: Looking back
Böggi: Looking at me looking at the price
Böggi: Traversing...
Böggi: The climbers...
Böggi: Huge landscape... small people...
Böggi: The reward
Böggi: The job at hand
Böggi: Decending
Böggi: Acheivement
Böggi: Cut to size
Böggi: Curtains of vapour..
Böggi: Ascending
Böggi: To every trek there is a story of countless others
Böggi: I bloody hate those..
Böggi: Great for goats... for others..
Böggi: The view man, the view..
Böggi: Stepping stones.. ehhh.. rocks.. mmm boulders..
Böggi: I was there.. really .. I did.. no I am not joking..
Böggi: Kikjaloni.. end of the path... but not the river
Böggi: Out of nowhvere... white as milk... cold as ice..
Böggi: Green lake (one of the row of lakes in the top third of Mosdal
Böggi: Hospitable... aromatic... alive
Böggi: Mosdalselva.. oppe ved Mosdal bruket
Böggi: Winter in the middle of summer...