Böggi: PICT0065
Böggi: Pride of the harbour
Böggi: My Picasso
Böggi: Layered...
Böggi: ... was here!
Böggi: Narrow, crooked... darkening...
Böggi: Separating and connecting...
Böggi: A slice of halibut for the saturday meal...
Böggi: What is red and full of goodness..
Böggi: Salmon, macrel and eel to your pleasure...
Böggi: How may I tempt you to day Sir...
Böggi: A littlebit of everything for my plate...
Böggi: ... feast for eyes and mouth alike...
Böggi: Freshly simmered and ready to go...
Böggi: Light the sky for me...
Böggi: Pure art...
Böggi: A touch of luxury...
Böggi: Illuminated...
Böggi: Some stay, some leave...
Böggi: Humanarium....
Böggi: What, another Citroên...!
Böggi: Hey, they taste like chicken....
Böggi: Excactly there.....
Böggi: At the end of it all..
Böggi: ...
Böggi: Foggy night....
Böggi: Three...
Böggi: Facing the light...
Böggi: Lightfountain...
Böggi: ... empty now..