Böggi: Impression of a forest...
Böggi: Curves...
Böggi: Mosaic of beech leaves
Böggi: Beard moss
Böggi: Moss creek
Böggi: ZEN creek
Böggi: Lost...
Böggi: Flower creek
Böggi: Grass...
Böggi: Spring in the woods
Böggi: Remains...
Böggi: Country road
Böggi: Spring woods...
Böggi: Power of spring...
Böggi: Catcing the last light of day
Böggi: The quiet artist
Böggi: Contrasted
Böggi: Exhausted...
Böggi: Hugging the curves of mother Earth...
Böggi: In between day and night...
Böggi: And it wispered to me.. just a little deeper dear.. just a little further...
Böggi: In between day and night...
Böggi: Green by nature...
Böggi: Devils cup... drink from it and the woods will never relinquish your mind
Böggi: Tones of autumn...
Böggi: Glowing in the sun...
Böggi: ... and the warm glow of the evening sun played on my face, all dots and spots of light....
Böggi: Quiet beyond measure...
Böggi: The creek
Böggi: Frosted cloudberrys..