Böggi: Head and sholders above...
Böggi: Bergen - beautiful in rain or shine..
Böggi: 1. attemt to shoot architechture
Böggi: Attitude...
Böggi: Peace dove by remote...
Böggi: Hear me...
Böggi: Light and shadow..
Böggi: Crying kid... Sculptures in Bergen I
Böggi: More than a woman... Sculptures in Bergen II
Böggi: Waiting on a friend... Sculptures in Bergen III
Böggi: Golden pond...Sculptures in Bergen IV
Böggi: Rings ... Sculptures in Bergen V
Böggi: Art in unlikely places..
Böggi: Fate set in bronze... Sculptures in Bergen VI
Böggi: The lounge in Grieg Hallen concert hall
Böggi: Shades on a yellow wall in Nina Griegs vei.
Böggi: Crying boy II... Sculptures in Bergen VII
Böggi: we cater for all sorts of TIKK
Böggi: Bergen houses - details
Böggi: Bergen houses
Böggi: Stairway...
Böggi: Showing off...
Böggi: Everything points upwards now..
Böggi: Behind the wall...
Böggi: Maintainance or sensorship.... you ask me.. I ask you..
Böggi: One beer thank you..
Böggi: The night before the morning after..
Böggi: Strength comes in small packages...
Böggi: Bergen, my Bergen!
Böggi: Time..