bjmccray: Dusty hills with palm
bjmccray: Tiny Stienbok
bjmccray: Gemsbok (or oryx)
bjmccray: Springbok springing
bjmccray: Giraffe
bjmccray: Thorn brush, ubiquitous
bjmccray: Sand, sand, sand
bjmccray: Elephant
bjmccray: Elephant reminds us it's his place
bjmccray: Palm trees in the river bed
bjmccray: Elephants on the move
bjmccray: Fog from the ocean
bjmccray: So many dead trees
bjmccray: Mud crinkles
bjmccray: Light
bjmccray: Blooms in the drought
bjmccray: Jackal
bjmccray: Dusty hills