hess_barry: 2006-06-27(11.26.48)
hess_barry: 2006-06-27(11.26.56)
hess_barry: 2006-06-27(11.27.10)
hess_barry: 2006-06-27(11.27.14)
hess_barry: Kitchen-dining-living room painting
hess_barry: Kitchen-dining-living room painting
hess_barry: Kitchen-dining-living room painting
hess_barry: Deck/Patio underway
hess_barry: Deck/Patio underway
hess_barry: Kitchen-dining-living room painting
hess_barry: Family room painting
hess_barry: Family room painting
hess_barry: Family room painting
hess_barry: Family room painting
hess_barry: Deck/patio day four
hess_barry: Deck/patio day four
hess_barry: Deck/patio day four
hess_barry: Deck/patio day four
hess_barry: Deck/patio day four
hess_barry: Three days into the deck/patio
hess_barry: Three days into the deck/patio
hess_barry: Three days into the deck/patio
hess_barry: Three days into the deck/patio
hess_barry: Three days into the deck/patio
hess_barry: Hail remnants