hess_barry: The Kid at Miller Park
hess_barry: A full view of Miller Park
hess_barry: T.C. Bear at Miller Park
hess_barry: Fountains of art
hess_barry: Prone Milwaukee art museum
hess_barry: The Family at The Domes
hess_barry: Shakin' the money tree
hess_barry: Money tree
hess_barry: Sundial
hess_barry: Michael Cuddyer watches one
hess_barry: Francisco Liriano's first major league at bat
hess_barry: Lew Ford gets back
hess_barry: Francisco Liriano 2006 starting debut
hess_barry: The Torii Hunter strikeout pitch
hess_barry: Castillo fouls one off
hess_barry: The Family tailgating at Miller Park
hess_barry: Rhino
hess_barry: Reverse Peacock
hess_barry: The sad mandrill
hess_barry: Sea Lion at Milwaukee County Zoo
hess_barry: It's Miller Time
hess_barry: Oy Oy Oy
hess_barry: Ahhhh