bjepson: 555 Blinky
bjepson: 555 Blinky
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area Education meetup
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area Education Meetup
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area crew room
bjepson: 555 blinky
bjepson: Mini Maker Faire workshop
bjepson: Books in the Maker Shed
bjepson: Michael Margolis and his Arduino Cookbookbot
bjepson: NOKIA Lumia 900_000135
bjepson: Maker Shed
bjepson: MakerBot's botfarm
bjepson: MakerBot Replicators
bjepson: Robot petting zoo
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area setup
bjepson: Compost-Recycling-Landfill
bjepson: KippKitts
bjepson: Dale Wheat and his book
bjepson: Arduino Kits in the Maker Shed
bjepson: Shawn Wallace building a Strandbeest kit
bjepson: Strandbeest Kit
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area
bjepson: Maker Faire Bay Area
bjepson: Sherry brings the cupcakes
bjepson: Makers' reception
bjepson: Michael Margolis in the Maker Shed
bjepson: Secret Labs in the Shed
bjepson: Secret Labs
bjepson: John Park and his Arduino Grande
bjepson: John Park and his Arduino Grande