bjepson: Printing the original design for the WineShade caps
bjepson: Printing the original design for the WineShade caps
bjepson: Not a great fit
bjepson: Closeup of the buttons
bjepson: Bargraph test
bjepson: WineShade version 0.1
bjepson: WineShade final design
bjepson: Adding buttons to the WineShade
bjepson: Building the WineShade motherboard
bjepson: Assembling the WineShade
bjepson: Inside the WineShade
bjepson: XBees and Connectport
bjepson: workbench
bjepson: Assembling the WineShade
bjepson: Preparing the WineShade motherboard
bjepson: Workshop
bjepson: Workshop
bjepson: Foam board for holding buttons
bjepson: Buttons and bargraphs
bjepson: Inside the WineShade
bjepson: Parts!
bjepson: Making Bargraphs
bjepson: Making bargraphs
bjepson: Cutting the protoboard
bjepson: Mounting the bar graphs
bjepson: Making the bar graphs
bjepson: Connecting the bar graph to the breakout
bjepson: Bar graphs
bjepson: Finished Stations
bjepson: Finished Stations