bjdawes: 3D printed bottle opener
bjdawes: Finished bottle opener ready to roll off the conveyor
bjdawes: After a 3 hour print the Stanford Bunny appears!
bjdawes: Idea for a modular desk tidy system
bjdawes: Some more prototypes roll off the Makerbot
bjdawes: Another iteration of the modular desk tidy system
bjdawes: Version 3 of the modular, Makerbot printed desk tidy system
bjdawes: Modular lid system
bjdawes: And of course being modular it can fit together in a variety of ways
bjdawes: Modular desk tidy system complete
bjdawes: Another iteration of the @makerbot printed desk tidy
bjdawes: 3 pronged divider creates 3D cube illusion
bjdawes: Makerbot printed business card
bjdawes: Perlin noise generated Makerbot ID tokens
bjdawes: Camera mount
bjdawes: Spindle for filament
bjdawes: Duplo compatible business card
bjdawes: Arduino box
bjdawes: Keyring and other bits
bjdawes: Me at the Makerbot Botcave in Brooklyn