Krittergirl: Punxsutawney Phil Article in the Sun Journal Today
Bill Bouton: Mountain Plover, Charadrius montanus, 1st year bird
Sijanto: 5 Best Friends
ʘwl: Malabar Pied Hornbill
Judylynn M.: Sword-billed-Hummingbird
Nigel Blake, 20 MILLION views! Many thanks!: Eurasian Dotterel, Charadrius morinellus, adult female.
bigandstupid: happy easter
Brittamay: Juvenile Blue Jay
ik_kil: Monjita Blanca Spectacled Eider
m. geven: Blue-headed wagtail (Motacilla flava)
Roeselien Raimond: Levitating Lamb
Yamil Saenz: Surf Scoter
Jerry Ting: a quiet sunset at salton sea
BN Singh: Black-bellied Plover
Mark Carmody: (Irish) Coal Tit (Periparus ater hibernicus)
winnu: IMG_9632dee
Hemmings Photo Tours: Snowy Owl, Canada winter 2010 2
Viggo Johansen: VJO_5475
bmse: Tern Drying off (lateral view) [Explored best position #413]
Gurusan2010: Great egret
mak3154: Barn Swallow - EXPLORED 20TH MAY 2011
Glenn R Parker: Wilson"s Phalarope
hvhe1: The night to come..