bjarkihalldors: The kids
bjarkihalldors: My son with our dogs
bjarkihalldors: Halldór Andri in black on black
bjarkihalldors: Halldór Andri confirmation
bjarkihalldors: Halldór Andri confirmation
bjarkihalldors: My son with pink hair
bjarkihalldors: Computer time
bjarkihalldors: 7D mark II at ISO 3200
bjarkihalldors: Are Apples really that interesting?
bjarkihalldors: Last day of the year 2014
bjarkihalldors: Checking on the horses
bjarkihalldors: My daughter the poser
bjarkihalldors: A future photographer
bjarkihalldors: Ice bucket challenge
bjarkihalldors: Uncle Jón Þór
bjarkihalldors: Jökull on Irish days
bjarkihalldors: The painter
bjarkihalldors: Öskudagur 2014
bjarkihalldors: Favourites
bjarkihalldors: Una Þórdís playing in the cabin
bjarkihalldors: Daddy´s girl and butterfly lighting
bjarkihalldors: Playing in the snow
bjarkihalldors: Arnþór Snær
bjarkihalldors: Una and a puppy
bjarkihalldors: Loving the rain