blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - be not alarmed -- i've only come to choose a wife and light her home
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - fungus at length contrives to get death's dart into his cabinet
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - his blood is stopp'd in every vein - he ne'er will eat or drink again
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - i have a secret art to cure the common ailment which men endure
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - i list you and you'll soon be found one of my regiment underground
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - her tongue and temper to subdue can only be perform'd by you
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - nature and truth are not at strife - death draws his pictures after life
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - behold the signal of old time - that bids you close your pantomime
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - no scene so blest in virtue's eyes as when the man of virtue dies
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - such is alas the common story of blood and wounds and death and glory
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - what do these sav'ry meats delight you? begone, & stay, till i invite you
blacque_jacques: 1814 rowlandson - when the old fool has drank his wine and gone to rest i will be thine
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - what watchful care the portal keeps - a porter he who never sleeps
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - Tis strange but true but in this world's strife that Death affords the means of Life
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - It is in vain that you decide Deatth claims you as his destin'd bride
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - Death without either bribe or fee sets the hopeless pris'ner free
blacque_jacques: 1814 thomas rowlandson - Dad at length is grown so kind he dies & leaves his wealth behind