bivoir: Guinea Pig Mosaic
bivoir: 2 little men
bivoir: Lily Jane
bivoir: Lily Jane and Cotton Candy
bivoir: Lily Jane
bivoir: Lily Jane
bivoir: Cotton Candy and Lily Jane
bivoir: Lily Jane
bivoir: Lily Jane
bivoir: Fluff 2's little man
bivoir: New baby
bivoir: Cotton Candy
bivoir: Cotton Candy
bivoir: Cotton Candy
bivoir: Tonga
bivoir: Tonga
bivoir: Soffys Rose
bivoir: Guinea Pig Kisses
bivoir: Cotton Candys smile
bivoir: Lee Lee
bivoir: Cotton Candy and Marshmallow
bivoir: Soffys Rose and Lily Jane
bivoir: Grey Beaver
bivoir: Cotton Candy and Marshmallow
bivoir: Lee Lee
bivoir: Maisie Belle
bivoir: Lily-Ellah
bivoir: Soffys Rose
bivoir: Guinea Pigs in the Light Tent
bivoir: Guinea Pigs in the Light Tent