bittermelon: toronto // pitts airport
bittermelon: toronto // pitts airport // chau tea
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen // "phoenix eye" shrimp + truffle dumpling
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen // green onion pancake rolls, crab + egg yolk tart
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen // green onion pancake rolls, crab + egg yolk tart
bittermelon: toronto // lai wah heen // crystal shrimp dumplings (best ever)
bittermelon: toronto // art gallery ontario
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown fruit market
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown fruit market
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown fruit market // sour sop, baby jack fruit
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown // hardcore produce ladies
bittermelon: toronto // chinatown // "got dumpling?"
bittermelon: toronto // ice cream truck
bittermelon: toronto // scary ass dolls in chinatown
bittermelon: toronto // ominous weather on college
bittermelon: toronto // neat firestation on college
bittermelon: toronto // my room @ neill-wycik dorm
bittermelon: toronto // view from my room @ neill-wycik dorm
bittermelon: toronto // wi-fi student lounge @ neill-wycik dorm
bittermelon: toronto // bad college student art @ neill-wycik dorm
bittermelon: toronto // fran's restaurant
bittermelon: toronto // glorious architecture of university of toronto - old meets new
bittermelon: toronto // university of toronto entrance
bittermelon: toronto // university of toronto
bittermelon: toronto // "traffic calming zone"
bittermelon: toronto // little italy // everyone's happy and the weather's nice
bittermelon: toronto // for regina