bitterbutter2000: Hello mount cook alps and the land of the long white cloud, am just making a short transit as part of my life journey, please be gentle to me in d next few months
bitterbutter2000: Empty bench
bitterbutter2000: Uni-dimension
bitterbutter2000: The waiting game
bitterbutter2000: Sunday morning
bitterbutter2000: There's a lonely tree & there's a lonely man
bitterbutter2000: K for recycling station
bitterbutter2000: Sunday morning: T-38 days
bitterbutter2000: Sandwich-ed
bitterbutter2000: 1354318244328
bitterbutter2000: Monday afternoon
bitterbutter2000: Tuesday afternoon: unfinished business
bitterbutter2000: Wed noon: It's funny to know that the people in four seasons countries always like to talk about the weather...
bitterbutter2000: 20121205_175043 Cp B&W
bitterbutter2000: If only the sofas allign perfectly with the vanishing point...
bitterbutter2000: Slightly longer path today
bitterbutter2000: Mon morning: counting days
bitterbutter2000: My regular staple fix
bitterbutter2000: Diagonality
bitterbutter2000: 20121216_201010 b&w
bitterbutter2000: Horizontal-ism
bitterbutter2000: Writer's block