bitshifter: Extreme tagging
bitshifter: The Westin St. Francis bar
bitshifter: The Westin St. Francis bar
bitshifter: Colourful night life
bitshifter: A tall and pointy building
bitshifter: Sculpture in lights
bitshifter: Night street
bitshifter: Make a wish
bitshifter: Hyatt atrium sculpture
bitshifter: The Bay Bridge from the Hyatt's Equinox bar
bitshifter: The Hyatt Atrium
bitshifter: The Hyatt Atrium
bitshifter: I wish our room was this spacious
bitshifter: Chandallier
bitshifter: The Walk of Game
bitshifter: Space Marines!
bitshifter: Eyetoy for feet
bitshifter: The view from our hotel room
bitshifter: I wish I could take better photos
bitshifter: Sleek old tram
bitshifter: Downtown
bitshifter: The Westin St. Francis lobby
bitshifter: Union Square
bitshifter: Kit-set apartments
bitshifter: San Fran burbs
bitshifter: My first limo ride
bitshifter: The Fairmont lobby
bitshifter: Nintendo Revolution
bitshifter: Nintendo keynote queue #4
bitshifter: Nintendo keynote queue #3