At the top of the stairs to the roof garden, which go nicely with the yellow bits of my tie in the absence of my rose buttonhole from nine years ago :)
The Wedding Olympics, featuring games involving kisses, carrying trays of drinks and various other wedding-related fun :)
Wedding parties enjoying post-ceremony drinks in the Level 4 Blue Bar in the Royal Festival Hall were looking down on the Wedding Olympics outside
Inflatable church! Well, we had come in our wedding outfits - maybe we should get married here, eh?
The pre-ceremony removal of the wedding rings - handed to our all-in-one Best Man and Bridesmaid, Harri
Bride Edith and Best Man/Bridesmaid Harri wait outside the inflatable church for their grand entrance
It really was an impressive inflatable structure - here are some inflatable beams under the inflatable steeple
Lloyd and the rest of the congregation join in a rendition of Somewhere Over The Rainbow as we await the arrival of the bride
Paul looks a bit worried - will Edith really enter the inflatable church and marry him? :)
Harri takes her place at the front of the inflatable church, ready to hand over the rings
I think we were doing some sort of vows at this point. Awful wedded husband, that kind of thing :)