red R: Obi-Wan Kenobi in Budapest
red R: 300
red R: Goofie Goatie
red R: PlayStation2
red R: A Tool for Real Men
red R: Factory Chic
red R: Real Men...
red R: Ghostbuster
red R: I Told You Joey...
red R: Hand Over All Your Tidbit -- NOW!
red R: Sisyphus Labouring Upstream
red R: 1, 2.... 3?
red R: Kiss Me!
red R: Alien at the Glass Door
red R: Corvus mentulus maximus - Daguerreotype / tökös varjú /
red R: nyasgem
red R: Santa Scrat
red R: Expect No Mercy!
red R: BONK!
red R: AXE...
red R: Not so remote...
red R: The reverse-spell effect