BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Earpick Fungus (Auriscalpium vulgare)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Earpick Fungus (Auriscalpium vulgare)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Grey Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus) (L) & Black Tooth (Phellodon niger) (R)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Grey Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Beech Woodwart (Hypoxylon fragiforme) with Cosmospora arxii
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Arcyria denudata Slime Mould
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Beech Woodwart (Hypoxylon fragiforme) with Cosmospora arxii (tiny red and salmon coloured bits)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Beech Woodwart (Hypoxylon fragiforme) with Cosmospora arxii (tiny red and salmon coloured bits)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Beech Woodwart (Hypoxylon fragiforme) with Cosmospora arxii (tiny red and salmon coloured bits)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Beech Woodwart (Hypoxylon fragiforme) with Cosmospora arxii (tiny red and salmon coloured bits)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
? Badhamia utricularis enveloping Wrinkled Crust fungus (Phlebia radiata)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Variable Oysterling (Crepidotus variabilis)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Silverleaf Fungus (Chondrostereum purpureum)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Silverleaf Fungus (Chondrostereum purpureum)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Trichia decipiens with ? Common Glasscup (Orbilia xanthostigma)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Trichia decipiens with ? Common Glasscup (Orbilia xanthostigma)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Zoned Tooth (Hydnellum concrescens)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Zoned Tooth (Hydnellum concrescens)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography:
Horn of Plenty (Craterellus cornucopioides)