backtothebeach: Tina, Rarotonga
backtothebeach: Nane, Rarotonga
backtothebeach: Sherelle, Rarotonga
backtothebeach: mama wearing head ei at market
backtothebeach: not afraid to be noticed
backtothebeach: Mr. Miyagi
backtothebeach: Uirangi Bishop
backtothebeach: Bubble fairy in the sand
backtothebeach: red mask
backtothebeach: tiger face
backtothebeach: Brain freeze
backtothebeach: Girl with a curl
backtothebeach: The thinker
backtothebeach: Who needs paper when you have a spare arm.
backtothebeach: Who you calling a sucker?
backtothebeach: A little attitude.
backtothebeach: You wear your character well.
backtothebeach: Hurry up and take the darn photo, will ya.
backtothebeach: How would you picture "demure"?
backtothebeach: Dance practice 2
backtothebeach: Dance practice 1
backtothebeach: . . . mightier than the sword.
backtothebeach: Window to the soul.
backtothebeach: Tiny dancer.
backtothebeach: Is it lunch yet?
backtothebeach: Tears in the sand.
backtothebeach: Having a ball. A red one, in fact.
backtothebeach: A sticky situation.
backtothebeach: Bright-eyed and bushy-haired.
backtothebeach: Every face tells a story.