Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (view South - less than two foot clearance between electrified fence & barbed wire)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (view North - less than two foot clearance between electrified fence & barbed wire / very upset dog) ;)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (closeup of footpath arrow with electric fence wires just visible beyond gate)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (footpath arrow visible on right hand gatepost with electrified wire beyond the gate)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (location of field enclosed by electric fence / no alternative route)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (view over gate with less that two foot clearance between it & barbed wire)
Footpath Blocked by electric fence @ Church Farm South Stainley (blocked gateway at centre of crosshairs)
He wasn't using his bed so I moved it so I could sit in front of the computer. Then this happened.