Itai.B: Window-Shopping
Itai.B: Coffee Time
Itai.B: A woman and her coffee
Itai.B: A Sunny Afternoon
Itai.B: The Labor of Fortune Cookies_
Itai.B: The Return of the Cassette Player
Itai.B: Street Talk
Itai.B: The Piano Man
Itai.B: Lines
Itai.B: Personalities
Itai.B: Hard Labour
Itai.B: Street Painter_
Itai.B: The Guitar Player Artist_
Itai.B: The Guitar Player_
Itai.B: Street Painter
Itai.B: Street Politcs
Itai.B: The Real America
Itai.B: Me, my guitar, and speaker.
Itai.B: Painter_
Itai.B: Boat
Itai.B: Kiss Me
Itai.B: Under the bridge