bishybarnabee: Periphery
bishybarnabee: Hawthorn
bishybarnabee: End of the line
bishybarnabee: Sad remembering
bishybarnabee: Remembered
bishybarnabee: Spotted
bishybarnabee: Pussy willow
bishybarnabee: Heart of fire
bishybarnabee: Into the depths
bishybarnabee: Douaumont Ossuaire and cemetery
bishybarnabee: Stagnation
bishybarnabee: Shuttered
bishybarnabee: A ray of light
bishybarnabee: Wood Anenome
bishybarnabee: Escargot
bishybarnabee: Daisy-fly
bishybarnabee: Red spot
bishybarnabee: Tree-shed
bishybarnabee: Delapidated
bishybarnabee: Shell-holes and trenches
bishybarnabee: Shell shock