bishopbikes: Shimano UFP 10 track drop outs
bishopbikes: after brazing
bishopbikes: IMG_3727
bishopbikes: after filing the points
bishopbikes: I like the nice sharp points
bishopbikes: bottom lug after brazing
bishopbikes: IMG_3758
bishopbikes: bottom lug after
bishopbikes: you can really see how much thicker the lug starts off
bishopbikes: top lug unfinished bottom finished
bishopbikes: Top lug unfinished, bottom lug filed
bishopbikes: crisp shorelines
bishopbikes: IMG_3791
bishopbikes: lugs after filing
bishopbikes: IMG_3797
bishopbikes: the beginning
bishopbikes: IMG_3763
bishopbikes: new clamp
bishopbikes: slotting clamp
bishopbikes: filleted and clamp bronze brazed
bishopbikes: rough in
bishopbikes: marking the centerlines
bishopbikes: finished
bishopbikes: seat lug after
bishopbikes: seat cluster before cutting seattube
bishopbikes: making hour glass bridge with hand file
bishopbikes: roughed in with hand file
bishopbikes: IMG_3809
bishopbikes: bridge after sanding