bishib70: Wallingford Bridge
bishib70: Wallingford Bridge
bishib70: Nice day for a pub lunch
bishib70: Current
bishib70: Underneath the archway
bishib70: Riverside peek
bishib70: Not quite straight
bishib70: Pill box bunker
bishib70: Stately
bishib70: Dog Rose white petal
bishib70: Pillbox
bishib70: Pillbox
bishib70: Corrugated
bishib70: Nature
bishib70: Small heath butterfly
bishib70: Small heath butterfly
bishib70: Pillbox
bishib70: Poppies
bishib70: Full Thames
bishib70: Rowing club
bishib70: Blue gate and door and bits of sky
bishib70: Alley door
bishib70: Church window
bishib70: Strong door
bishib70: White door
bishib70: Fungi
bishib70: Honey bee
bishib70: Flood marks
bishib70: House with flood marks
bishib70: Here's looking at you