Proko Mountrichas:
Margarita Defuego
Proko Mountrichas:
waiting room
Proko Mountrichas:
composition of spring
Proko Mountrichas:
Proko Mountrichas:
Bimbo rey
Proko Mountrichas:
"Oh yes my old friend"
Proko Mountrichas:
back to the 20s
Proko Mountrichas:
Save me...
Proko Mountrichas:
Arabic bath
Proko Mountrichas:
Proko Mountrichas:
Lost in the park
Proko Mountrichas:
Ursa major
Proko Mountrichas:
Proko Mountrichas:
another flower
Proko Mountrichas:
night in the park
Proko Mountrichas:
In time's chine
Proko Mountrichas:
Barco en Provatas (μόνη κι έρμη)