Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Anglers of the Dove - Polly Sees the Bonfires by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Framley Parsonage by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Battle of the Thirty by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Framley Parsonage by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Framley Parsonage by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Importunate Friend by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Parables of Our Lord - The Rich Man and Lazarus by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Parables of Our Lord - The Prodigal Son by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Irené by John Everett Millais
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Master Olaf by John Everett Millais