Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Dominicans in Feathers, Henry Stacey Marks, 1880-7
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: February Fill Dyke by Benjamin Williams Leader
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Rhyl Sands by David Cox, 1854-5
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Prayers in the Desert, William James Muller, c.1840-49
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: A Nook in Nature's Garden, James Aumonier, 1879
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Skirts of the Forest, David Cox, 1855-6
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Challenge of Rodomont to Rogero, Henry Perronet Briggs, 1825-7
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Sheep Drive, John Linnell, 1863
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Phoebus Apollo, Briton Riviere, 1895
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Canaries, Albert Joseph Moore, 1875-80
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Cattle in a Stream, Thomas Sidney Cooper, 1841
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Valley of Llangollen, North Wales, Thomas Creswick, 1856
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Delivery of Israel out of Egypt, Colman, Danby & Allston, c.1820-40
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Champion, Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, 1824
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Departure of the Israelites, David Roberts, 1829