Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Proserpine by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Merciful Knight by Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Dante's Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice - Study of Dante holding the Hand of Love by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Work by Ford Madox Brown
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Night with her Train of Stars by Edward Robert Hughes
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Rhyl Sands by David Cox, 1854-5
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: Never Morning Wore to Evening but Some Heart Did Break by Walter Langley
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Star of Bethlehem by Edward Burne-Jones
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: February Fill Dyke by Benjamin Williams Leader
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery: The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple by William Holman Hunt